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LoV Christian International School


  • Patience

    3 - 4
    years old

  • Hope

    4 - 5
    years old

  • Faith

    5 - 6
    years old

  • Patience class

    Patience class

    3 - 4 years old

    Like that of Peace Class, kids in Patience Class learn more of rhyming, singing, numbers, alphabets, colors, fruits.
    For mastery, each letter is introduced in more exciting way that helps the child recognized the letter and the letter's sound.
    Lessons are designed to teach early writing skills.
    Children learn letter formation and practice the hand-eye coordination as they trace or glue items to letters.
    The learning covers Phonics Development, Motor Skills Development and Creativity Development.
    As an enrichment, the child learns additional subjects like special piano lessons, pianica, craft,and PE.
    They learn Bible stories for character development.

    • Patience class Craft time
      Craft time
    • Patience class Artwork presentation
      Artwork presentation
    • Patience class Study time
      Study time
  • Hope class

    Hope class

    4 - 5 years old

    At the age of 4-5, the children recognize the five vowels and their short and long sounds, the 21 consonants and their sounds, blending of consonant and vowel together, sound one- and two-vowel words, one- and two- vowel words phonetically, learn the phonetic rules suitable in their level, apply phonics concepts to reading, know to capitalize letters at beginning of sentences, place period at the end of the sentence and apply phonics concept through abundant guided and independent practice activities.
    As an enrichment, the child learns additional subjects like pianica, craft, and PE.
    They learn Bible stories for character development.

    • Hope class Going out for walk
      Going out for walk
    • Hope class Cooking time
      Cooking time
    • Hope class Craft time
      Craft time
  • Faith class

    Faith class

    5 - 6 years old

    At this level, students enjoy various activities as they review and learn vowel and consonant sounds, blends, one- and two- vowel words, words with special sounds, and sentence comprehension.
    They are expected to master all the skills development for K-5 Learning. In addition, they apply phonics concepts to spell dictated words including words with two different ending consonants.
    They also learn to read sight words to, do and of. At a higher level, they learn how to place exclamation point or question mark at the end of sentences.
    They can also now recognize sentence with picture, color by letter and sound, decode hidden pictures through letters and sounds, word recognition with creative reading, finish the sentence and order words correctly to finish sentence.
    Added enrichment includes additional games and pianica, craft, and PE. They learn Bible stories for character development.

    • Faith class Study time
      Study time
    • Faith class Pianica time
      Pianica time
    • Faith class Field trip
      Field trip

Daily schedule

  • 8:30 Arrival time
  • 9:30 Worship time
  • 10:00 Park time, Circle time,
    Math time, Cooking time
  • 10:50 Restroom / Water break
  • 11:00 Language and writing time
  • 11:20 Numbers skill time
  • 11:40 Language skill time
  • 12:00 Lunch time
  • 13:00 Nap time
  • 14:30 Wake Up / Restroom
  • 14:40 Snack time
  • 15:00 Activity time / Drawing, music,
    reading , storytelling, arts, crafts
  • 15:30 Line Up / Goodbye Song / Park
  • 15:40 Video / Free Play
    Coloring / Dismissal
  • ●Every Monday - Pianica Lesson (Patience, Hope, and Faith Classes)
  • ●Every Thursday - P.E. class
  • ●Last Wednesday of every month - Cooking Lesson
  • ●Cake Day is held on the last Friday of every month (We celebrate a birthday every month).


  • Uniforms For summer
    For summer
  • Uniforms For summer
    For summer
  • Uniforms For winter
    For winter
  • Uniforms For winter
    For winter
  • Children aged 3 - 5 are entitled to government subsidy.
  • ●We accept admissions at any time. Please feel free to contact us.
  • ●onsultation sessions are held regularly. For more information, please check the NEWS page of our site.
  • ●There is no requirement for the level of English of students.
    We have Japanese-speaking staff. Please feel free to contact us.
  • ●We accept individual consultations regarding allergies.