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LoV Christian International School


Preschool Newsletter - December 2023

The Real Reason for the Season

December is here! It’s the time of the year that we remember the real reason for this wonderful season, Jesus Christ! He is the BEST GIFT anyone can have, so we are here to tell everyone about it. This is also the time that our children are getting ready for our Christmas presentation, doing their best and having a great time. The children also have play time and circle time. For last month’s cooking lesson, Faith and Hope class made yakiudon. It was very delicious and everybody went for another serving. We thank the Lord for last month and also praise God for the new month ahead of us!




John 3:17 ヨハネの福音書 3:17

 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 神がご自分の御子を世にお遣わしになったのは、世をさばくためではなく、世を救うためです。

Last Update 12.26.2023

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