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LoV Christian International School


Elementary Newsletter - October 2023

As the Seasons Shift, Students Uplift – Giving Their Best in Every Shift!

At LoV Christian International School, the changing seasons align with our students’ unwavering commitment to excellence. Our students are currently preparing for our end of year celebration.

Our students are working hard for the Nativity play. They practice their roles, lines, and songs. They’re doing a great job, and we can’t wait to see their performance.

When they are having their free time, our students enjoy playing at the park. They love the swings, slides, seesaw  and running on the grass. They make the most of their time outdoors.

At LoV, we support both learning and having fun. Our students show dedication to their work and enjoy playing. As the seasons shift, their commitment to doing their best remains constant. We look forward to sharing more inspiring stories from our school in the coming months.


ラブクリスチャンインターナショナル スクールの生徒たちは、季節の変化に影響を受けることなく、たゆまぬ努力をしています。 生徒たちは現在、年末のイベントに向けて頑張っています。

生徒たちはキリスト降誕劇の練習に全力を注いでいます。 自分の役やセリフ、歌の練習に余念がありません。今からクリスマス会が待ち遠しいです。


ラブでは、学習面だけでなく、遊びについてもサポートしています。生徒たちは学業に熱心に取り組む一方で遊びも楽しんでいます。 季節が変わっても、「最善を尽くす」という彼らの姿勢は変わりません。



Verse of the Month

Ecclesiastes 3:1

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven

伝道者の書 3:1





新サイトアドレス: www.lovinternationalschool.com







Facebook  ページ:www.facebook.com/LoVChristianIS.


Last Update 10.30.2023

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